General Rules and Regulations:
- You must be 18 or older to rent a facility.
- One adult chaperone (over 18 years of age) must be provided for every 10 minors (under age 18) in attendance.
- Gambling is not permitted.
- Alcoholic beverages are permitted at TSWM by signing/agreeing to the terms of the Alcohol Use Permit.
- Smoking cigarettes and cigars, vaping, electronic cigarettes and the use of tobacco and other smokeless tobacco on TSWM property is prohibited.
- Drugs on TSWM property is prohibited.
- All groups or individuals renting the TSWM shall be responsible for the facility being clean and in an orderly state after scheduled use. Should the facilities be left in such a condition to require additional cleanup or maintenance, the additional expenses will be invoiced to the responsible party.
Personal Responsibility:
- The Lessee is responsible for leaving the premises in the same condition as it was in before the event.
- Lessee will be invoiced for the cost of the following items:
- Failure to clean facility
- Damage to facilities or equipment
- Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages without proper permit
- Any other act of negligence
- Breach of rules and regulations of rental contract
- Lessee hereby warrants that he/she will be personally responsible for the cost of repair of any damage as determined by the Event Coordinator. Lessee recognizes that TSWM and its employees are in no way responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items or for any injuries that may be incurred by persons on the premise.
- Lessee will provide dedicated babysitting if children are invited to the event. Children must be supervised at ALL times.
- If Lessee fails to reimburse TSWM for any damage, TSWM may pursue criminal charges against Lessee.
*Fees are based on a 2 or 4 hour rental period [as designated in pricing guide]. A $500 fee applies for every half hour you arrive early or when you are over your rental period. Rental fees double on the following:
New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, New Year’s Eve