
Boy Scouts

The Boy Scouts Aviation Badge Night is a great experience for your troop. Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, and Eagle will earn their Aviation Badge in one night!



Boy Scouts will discover :

  • Investigate and tour various types of aircraft
  • Forces of Flight
  • Surface Controls of airplanes
  • Explore cockpit instruments
  • Build and test a model FPG-9
  • Aviation Career opportunities

**Please Note** Boy scout Aviation Merit Badge Night is for ages 11 and up
*Boy Scout badges are not provided, please contact your troop badge coordinator.

Boy Scouts Badge Night FAQs

What time should I arrive?
  • Please don’t arrive more than 10 minutes before your program begins. Badge nights are carefully scheduled, and arriving on time makes the evening go easier for both you and your scouts.
Can I bring my child's siblings along?

No, all participating Boy Scouts must be accounted for prior to day of program. If siblings do come, they are to stay with the parent and are not considered part of the program.

How do I tour the museum after our Boy Scouts Badge Night is over?

We only accept tours during museum hours.


Click Here for Museum Dates

Are Boy Scouts uniforms required?

Your Boy Scouts troop will decide if you have to wear your uniform or if you can wear a troop shirt or regular clothes.